e and compound interest

120문장 98% 베트남어 번역 1명 참여 출처 : 칸아카데미
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e and compound interest발음듣기

Let's say that you are desperate for a dollar.발음듣기

So you come to me the local loan shark, and you say hey I need to borrow a dollar for a year. I tell you I'm in a good mood, I willing to lend you that dollar that you need for a year. I will lend it to you for the low interest of 100% per year. 100% per year.발음듣기

How much would you have to pay me in a year?발음듣기

You're going to have to pay the original principal what I lent you plus 100% of that. Plus one other dollar.발음듣기

Which is clearly going to be equal to $2. You say oh gee, that's a lot to have to pay to pay back twice what I borrowed.발음듣기

There's a possibility that I might have the money in 6 months.발음듣기

What kind of a deal could you get me for that Mr. Loanshark?발음듣기

I say oh gee, if your willing to pay back in 6 months, then I'll just charge you half the interest for half the time.발음듣기

You borrow one dollar, so in 6 months, I will charge you 50% interest.발음듣기

50% interest over 6 months.발음듣기

This, of course, was 1 year.발음듣기

How much would you have to pay? Well, you would have to pay the original principal what you borrowed.발음듣기

The one dollar plus 50% of that one dollar.발음듣기

Plus 0.50, and that of course is equal to 1.5.발음듣기

That is equal to $1.50. I'll just write it like this.발음듣기

$1.50. Now you say well gee that's I guess better.발음듣기

What happens if I don't have the money then?발음듣기

If I still actually need a year.발음듣기

We actually have a system for that.발음듣기

What I'll do is just say that okay, you don't have the money for me yet. I'll essentially ... we could think about it.발음듣기

I will just lend that amount that you need for you for another 6 months. We'll lend that out.발음듣기

We'll lend that out for another 6 months at the same interest rate at 50% for the next 6 months.발음듣기

Then you'll owe me the principal a $1.50 plus 50% of the principal, plus 75 cents.발음듣기

Plus 75 cents, and that gets us to $2.25. That equals $2.25.발음듣기

Another way of thinking about it is to go from $1 over the first period, you just multiply that times 1.5. If your going to grow something by 50%, you just multiply it times 1.5.발음듣기

If your going to grow it by another 50%, you can multiply by 1.5 again.발음듣기

One way of thinking about it that 50% interest is the same thing as multiplying by 1.5.발음듣기

Multiplying by 1.5. If you start with 1 and multiply by 1.5 twice, this is going to be the same thing.발음듣기

$2.25 is going to be 1 multiplied by 1.5 twice.발음듣기

1.5 multiplied twice is the same thing as 1.5 squared.발음듣기

You can see the same thing right over here.발음듣기

This is the same thing. 100% is the same thing as multiplying by 2. As we be multiplying 1 plus 1.발음듣기

This is multiplying by 2, so you could do this right over here.발음듣기

You could do this as 1 times 1.발음듣기

1 times 1 to the first ... I'm sorry 1 times 2 to the first power , because your only doing it over one period over that year.발음듣기

You say once again where's that 2? Well, if someone is asking for 100%, that means over the period you're going have to pay twice.발음듣기

You're going have to pay the principal plus 100%.발음듣기

You're going have to pay twice what you originally borrowed.발음듣기

If someone is charging you 50% over every period, you're going have to pay whatever you borrowed.발음듣기

That's kind of the one part plus 50% of it.발음듣기

So 1.5 times what you borrowed.발음듣기

You multiply times 1.5 every time.발음듣기

If you wanted to see how this actually related to the interest, you could view this as ... this right over here is equal to 1 times, the interest part is 1 plus 100% divided by 1 period to the first power.발음듣기

I know this seems like a crazy way of rewriting what we just wrote over here.발음듣기

Writing 1 plus 1, but you'll see that we can keep writing this as we compound over different periods.발음듣기

This one right over here, we can rewrite.발음듣기

We can write as 1 times 1 plus 100%.발음듣기

Here we took our 100% for the year, and we divided into 2 periods. Two 6 month periods.발음듣기

Each of them at 50%. 1 plus 100% over 2 is the same thing as 1.5, and we compounded it over 2 periods.발음듣기

Let me do that 2 periods into a different color.발음듣기

The periods, let me do in this orange color right over here.발음듣기

You might start to see a pattern forming.발음듣기

Let's say, well gee, I might have the money back in ...발음듣기

And you don't really like this.발음듣기

This is $2.25. That was more than the original $2, so you say, well what if we do this over every 12 months. I say, "Sure. We got a program for that."발음듣기

After every 12 months ... or after every month I should say, I'm just going to charge you 100% divided by 12 interest.발음듣기

This is equal to 8 1/3%.발음듣기

Having to pay back the principal plus 8 1/3%, that's the same thing as multiplying times 1.083 repeating.발음듣기

After 1 month you would have to pay 1.083 repeating. After 2 months ...발음듣기

And this isn't the scale that actually looks more than 2 months, but it's not completely at scale.발음듣기

After 2 months your going have to multiply by this again.발음듣기

Times 1.083 repeating, and so that would get you 1.083 repeating squared.발음듣기

If you went all the way down 12 months ... let me get myself some space here.발음듣기

If you went all the way down 12 months ... let me just.발음듣기

I should way from the beginning 12 months, so another 10 months.발음듣기

What's the total interest you would have to pay over a year if you weren't able to keep coming up with the money?발음듣기

If you had to keep re-borrowing it. I kept compounding that interest.발음듣기

Well, you're going have to pay 1.083 to the ... this is for 1 month.발음듣기

You could view this as to the first power.발음듣기

This is for 2 months, so you're going have to pay this to the 12th power.발음듣기

We have compounded over 12 periods, 8 1/3% over 12 periods.발음듣기

If you wanted to write it in this form right over here, this would be the same thing as the original principal.발음듣기

Our original principal times 1 plus 100% divided by 12. Now we've divided our 100% into 12 periods, and we're going to compound that 12 times.발음듣기

We're going to take that to the 12th power.발음듣기

What is this going to equal to? This buisness over here.발음듣기

We can get a calculator out for that.발음듣기

I'll get my TI-85 out.발음듣기

What is this going to be equal to? We could do it a couple of ways.발음듣기

This is 1.083 repeating. Let's get our calculator out.발음듣기

We could do it a couple of ways.발음듣기

Let me write it this way.발음듣기

Your going to get the same value.발음듣기

I don't have to rewrite this one.발음듣기

I just did that there to kind of hopefully you'd see the kind of structure in this expression.발음듣기

1 plus ... 100% is the same thing as 1.발음듣기

1 divided by 12 to the 12th power. 2.613, I'll just round.발음듣기

So approximately 2.613. You say well this is an interesting game you all most forgot about your financial troubles, and you're just intrigued by what happens if we keep going this.발음듣기

Here we compounded just ... we have 100% over here.발음듣기

Here we do 50% every 6 months.발음듣기

Here we do a 12th of 100%, 8 1/3% every 12 months until we get to this number.발음듣기

What happens if we did every day? Every day.발음듣기

If I borrowed a one dollar, and I'd say well gee I'm just going to ... each day I'm going to charge you charge you one three hundred sixty-fifth of a 100%.발음듣기

So, 100% divided 365, and I'm going to compound that 365 times. You're curious mathematically.발음듣기

You say well, what do we get then?발음듣기

What do we get after a year? You have your original principal.발음듣기

Let me scroll over a little bit more to the right, so we have more space.발음듣기

You're going to have your original principal times 1 plus 100% divided by not 12. Now we've divided the 100% into 365 periods.발음듣기

365 periods. We're going to compound it.발음듣기

Every time we have to multiply by 1 plus 100% over 365 everyday that the loan is not paid. 365th power.발음듣기

You say oh gee taking somebody to 365th power that's going to give me some huge number.발음듣기

Then you say well maybe not so bad, because 100% divided by 365 is going to be a small number.발음듣기

This thing is going to be reasonable close to 1.발음듣기

Obviously, we can raise 1 to whatever power we want, and we don't get anything crazy.발음듣기

Let's see where this one goes.발음듣기

This is the same thing as 1 plus. 100% is the same thing as 1 divided by 365 to the 365th power.발음듣기

We get 2.71456. Let me put it over here.발음듣기

Then we get ... This is approximately equal to ... this approximate is a very precise approximation, but 2.7 ...발음듣기

But my calculators precision only goes so far.발음듣기

2.7145675 and it keeps going on and on. This is really really interesting.발음듣기

It looks as if we take larger and larger numbers here, it just doesn't just balloon into some crazy ginormous number.발음듣기

It seems to be approaching some magical and mystical number.발음듣기

It is, in fact, the case.발음듣기

That if you would just take larger and larger ...발음듣기

If you were to take your 100% and divide by larger and larger numbers, but take it to that power, you're going to approach perhaps the most magical and mystical number of all.발음듣기

The number E. You can see it right over here in your calculator.발음듣기

They have this E to the X.발음듣기

I can do that, so E to the ... I'll raise it to the first power so you can look at the calculators internal representation of it.발음듣기

You see all ready raising some ... doing 1 plus 1 over 365 to the 365th power, we got pretty ... we're starting to get really really close to E. I encourage you try this with larger and larger numbers, and your going to get closer and closer to this magical mystery.발음듣기

You almost wouldn't mind paying the loan shark E dollars, because it's such a beautiful number.발음듣기
