Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness발음듣기

We hold these truths to be self-evident:That all men are created equal.발음듣기

That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.발음듣기

That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.발음듣기

It's just amazing seconds and into the Declaration of Independence that jefferson and Adams and Franklin wrote is part of a committee.발음듣기

And we were looking at that sentence.발음듣기

Let's go on to look at that phrase "they are endowed by their Creator."발음듣기

It interesting then the they don't really mention Jesus Christ and not even God.발음듣기

They talk about the laws of nature and of nature's God. Enough creator.발음듣기

These would deist people kind of believe in the notion that there is some grand creator of the universe.발음듣기

But they don't get into the specifics of any particular religious dogma.발음듣기

The other thing is they're balancing.발음듣기

Where do our rights come from?발음듣기

In an earlier draft - (We will talk about how they edit the early drafts in a later video.)발음듣기

But in an earlier draft, they just it just says they are endowed with certain unalienable rights.발음듣기

And you see that John Adams probably is the one who wants to insert the phrase their Creator.발음듣기

And that was because they started the sentence with we hold these truths to be sacred.발음듣기

But they change that to self-evident.발음듣기

They're trying to say to what extent is it rationality that gives the QQ rights.발음듣기

To what extent are these rights endowed by God?발음듣기

And I think what they finally come down to is that we all had a creator.발음듣기

And those creator that creator made us all.발음듣기

And so to a certain extent, we were created equal.발음듣기

I create a must love us all we are all created by the same creator, therefore there's a certain equality that we have.발음듣기

And in creating us, he gave us certain unalienable rights.발음듣기

SAL KHAN: Unalienable - this means can't be taken away.발음듣기

Its can live a rated you can't be can't be separated from you. Can't take these right away.발음듣기

The King can't take these rights away.발음듣기

In other words, it's not as if we could give up these rights.발음듣기

And in particular, they are talking about this theory of government that John Locke QQ who is one of the philosophers that they QQ English philosopher that period who said that when you create a government order is a government, you give up some of your rights.발음듣기

For example, if we all agree that we're part of a government, we may give up our right, say, to take somebody else's property or whatever it may be.발음듣기

So these are rights you can give up.발음듣기

British written in rights -center on a QQ that she just can't give up or the king can't take away.발음듣기

Once again you've got to look at Thomas Jefferson, who actually own slaves at this point.발음듣기

And he is saying among those unalienable rights are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.발음듣기

So there's this inherent conflict still between rights, such as liberty that you can take away from a person.발음듣기

And yet Jefferson's writing this phrase when he owned slaves.발음듣기

The phrase life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is also something that derives from John Locke.발음듣기

And these philosophers of the Enlightenment, they were writing in England.발음듣기

At one point, John Locke uses the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property ," because Locke believes that owning property was an important right you had, and the government couldn't just take your property away.발음듣기

However you can see that they change it to QQ more so than elevated for QQ we each get to pursue our own notion.발음듣기

And what we want to do in our lives happiness.발음듣기

I don't think they just mean happiness, like joy QQ frivolity.발음듣기

I think they mean pursuit of meaning in life - what gives our life meaning.발음듣기

And these are the unalienable rights.발음듣기

Then they go on and this gets to what's called the contract notion that government is that why do we have governments.발음듣기

And whether it's John Locke or the other philosophers we've talked about, they say the reason we have government is that we all had these right.발음듣기

But we decided to get together.발음듣기

We instituted governments government - institute it on net.발음듣기

And the reason those governments have their power is because of the consent of the governed.발음듣기

It's like if you and I and twenty people got together and formed a group and we said we were going to form a group and we will give up some of our rights, because the group itself will have certain powers.발음듣기

But we're consenting to do that.발음듣기

It's not because of the divine right of kings.발음듣기

It's to consent to govern the government. To consent to.발음듣기

The people say, "We will institute government amongst ourselves.발음듣기

And that's not to take away our rights.발음듣기

That's to secure our rights - rights we I might with the 20 of us might give up our right to that the kind of force things to police each other to the government. So that.발음듣기

But we could have our life liberty and pursuit of happiness.발음듣기

We're more likely to have it secured.발음듣기

And once you get to that theory, you have to say what are the types of rights we would give up?발음듣기

Judges may have the right to decide the traffic laws or the policing of things.발음듣기

Look for a Help. Property contracts are made.발음듣기

But there are certain things that no matter what you QQ, if you were instituting a government among men, you would not give up the right to life.발음듣기

You would not give up the right to liberty.발음듣기

And you would not say I'm going to give up my right to pursue my own life and my own happiness.발음듣기

You would say we want to secure those rights.발음듣기

"We're not going to give those up to government."발음듣기
