Critical Thinking Fundamentals: More About Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

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Critical Thinking Fundamentals: More About Necessary and Sufficient Conditions발음듣기

(intro music) Hi, my name is Kelley Schiffman.발음듣기

I'm a graduate student at Yale University, and today I'd like to talk a bit more about necessary and sufficient conditions.발음듣기

Now, this video builds somewhat on the discussion of necessary and sufficient conditions in my previous video on the topic.발음듣기

That said, let's review quickly.발음듣기

To say that p is a necessary condition for q is to say that q is true only if p is true.발음듣기

We can put this in more ordinary terms, as one of our viewers did, by saying that p is necessary for q because p being true is needed for q to be true.발음듣기

To say that r is a sufficient condition for s is to say that if r is true, then s is true.발음듣기

In other words, r is sufficient for s because r is all you need to get s. r is enough to get s.발음듣기

Now, there are four possible conditions of necessity and sufficiency.발음듣기

We can have necessity and sufficiency together.발음듣기

We can have necessity but not sufficiency.발음듣기

We can have sufficiency but not necessity.발음듣기

And we can have a case where we have neither necessity nor sufficiency.발음듣기

Let's look at an example of each.발음듣기

Here's an example where we have a necessary and sufficient condition for some outcome.발음듣기

I walk into a fast food restaurant.발음듣기

I place an order for some french fries, and pay for those fries.발음듣기

Now, my placing that order and paying for the fries is both necessary and sufficient for receiving them.발음듣기

Necessary, because they're not going to give me the french fries unless I order them and pay for them.발음듣기

And sufficient, because that's all I have to do.발음듣기

I just have to order them and pay for them, and I'll get them.발음듣기

Of course, there's a caveat here.발음듣기

In saying that ordering and paying for the fries is both necessary and sufficient, I'm making certain background assumptions.발음듣기

I'm assuming, for example, that there's not going to be a meteor hitting the restaurant in two seconds,발음듣기

because if that were the case, then my ordering the french fries and paying for them would not be sufficient for my receiving them, since the restaurant will be destroyed in two seconds, before I can ever receive them.발음듣기

Similarly, I'm assuming that the restaurant isn't giving away free fries today.발음듣기

If they were, then my paying for the fries would not, in fact, be necessary for receiving them.발음듣기

Now, there's an important lesson here, which is that any time we assess the necessary and sufficient conditions for an outcome, we make these sorts of background assumptions.발음듣기

We take certain things for granted.발음듣기

Consider, now, a condition that's necessary, but not sufficient.발음듣기

It's relatively easy to come up with these sorts of examples.발음듣기

All we have to do is come up with something that's needed for something else, but not enough for it.발음듣기

A moderate degree of exercise, for example, is necessary for staying healthy.발음듣기

It's not sufficient, because some other things are necessary - a good diet, for example.발음듣기

What, now, about sufficient, but not necessary, conditions?발음듣기

Consider my dog Teddy, who's really easy to make happy.발음듣기

Giving him a treat is sufficient to make him happy.발음듣기

It's not necessary, though, since there's lots of other ways to make him happy.발음듣기

Throwing a ball for him is also enough to make him happy.발음듣기

Or I could scratch his belly.발음듣기

All of these activities are sufficient for Teddy's happiness, since each of them is enough to make him happy.발음듣기

But none is necessary, since there are so many different ways to make him happy.발음듣기

Finally, let's consider conditions that are neither necessary nor sufficient.발음듣기

Here's an example.발음듣기

I want a piece of cake.발음듣기

So I go into the kitchen, and I mix a bunch of ingredients for the cake together in a bowl.발음듣기

Now, that alone is not sufficient for my getting a piece of cake, because I still have to stir those ingredients, put them in a pan, put them in the oven, bake the cake.발음듣기

Mixing those ingredients is also not necessary for my getting a piece of cake.발음듣기

Why not?발음듣기

Well, because I could just as easily walk down the street and buy a piece of cake.발음듣기

Let's turn, now, to consider the question of why necessary and sufficient conditions are important.발음듣기

Why is it important that we be clear on this distinction?발음듣기

Well, one answer is that we tend to confuse necessary and sufficient conditions all the time, sometimes with harmful results.발음듣기

Here's an example pulled from real life.발음듣기

Sarah, Tom, and Bobby are all found at the scene of a crime, along with an illegal gun.발음듣기

Sarah is charged with possession of the gun, and brought to trial on that charge.발음듣기

Her attorney argues that Sarah's innocent, because the gun actually belongs to Tom.발음듣기

Now, before the jurors deliberate, the judge tells them the following: "If you decide that the gun belongs to "Tom, then you must judge Sarah to be innocent."발음듣기

The jurors deliberate, they decide that the gun does not belong to Tom, and on that basis alone, conclude that Sarah is, in fact, guilty.발음듣기

That is her illegal gun.발음듣기

Now, if we pause, we see the jurors made a huge mistake.발음듣기

They confused a sufficient condition with a necessary one.발음듣기

If the gun belongs to Tom, that's a sufficient condition for Sarah's innocence.발음듣기

It's not necessary, though.발음듣기

Sarah could be innocent even if the gun does not belong to Tom.발음듣기

There could be another reason for her innocence.발음듣기

For example, if the gun belongs to some third person - Bobby, for example.발음듣기

Because the jurors confused a sufficient condition with a necessary one, they overlook this possibility, and so hastily convicted Sarah.발음듣기

If you're interested in this sort of mistake, I highly recommend that you check out Matthew Harris's video on affirming the consequent.발음듣기

Now, a very different sort of reason that we're interested in necessary and sufficient conditions is that they can help us figure out what things are.발음듣기

To see how this works, consider a simple case: what sort of thing is a square?발음듣기

We can begin to answer this question by articulating all the necessary conditions for being a square.발음듣기

One necessary condition is that it's a plane figure.발음듣기

Another is that it have four sides.발음듣기

A third necessary condition is that those sides are equal and straight.발음듣기

And finally, it's necessary that it has four right angles.발음듣기

When we put all these necessary conditions together, we get the sufficient condition for being a square.발음듣기

Indeed, we get the definition of a square: a square is a plane figure with four equal, straight sides and four right angles.발음듣기

Now, of course, not all concepts are as easy to get a handle on as the concept of a square.발음듣기

Consider the concepts of fairness, or equality, or happiness.발음듣기

These concepts, unlike the concept of a square, are a lot fuzzier, or at least more controversial.발음듣기

We disagree over what fairness is and over what happiness is, and having a good grasp on the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions allows us to start making progress toward figuring out what they are.발음듣기

I'll leave you, then, with the task of trying to come up with the necessary and sufficient conditions for happiness.발음듣기
