Banking 17: What happened to the gold?발음듣기
Banking 17: What happened to the gold?
I think now might be a good time to address another question that is probably circulating in your head - and that is, what happened to the gold?발음듣기
Remember when we started this reserve bank, all of these national banks or whatever we want to call them, they had gold as a reserve.발음듣기
And then that reserve bank can issue - and it was the only person that could issue - it could issue bank notes that could be tradeable into gold.발음듣기
And then we said, over time, people just got used to the notion of using the bank notes themselves as reserves.발음듣기
And we talked about that if the Fed or the reserve bank wanted to increase the money supply, it could essentially just print new notes and it would have offsetting notes, outstanding liabilities,발음듣기
and then it could use those to perform open market transactions and it essentially allows it to grow the monetary base with the economy or with the needs of different projects out there so that those projects happen.발음듣기
And in that whole discussion, you might have noticed that this yellow stuff was just sitting here.발음듣기
It was just sitting there and if you really wanted to force me to say what it was doing, well, it was giving a little bit of confidence behind what this thing was, right?발음듣기
Because at first, at least, when we said that it was backed by the gold - there was maybe a similar amount of gold as there was there.발음듣기
Maybe a little bit later, we said, this could be exchanged for gold at some rate - maybe $35 per ounce.발음듣기
First of all, almost from the get-go when we did this, the whole purpose of having this flexible money supply is so you can grow and contract money with the needs of the economy and we would, for the most part, have notes outstanding because this was a fractional reserve system.발음듣기
You had more dollars than you actually had gold, but you had to keep a little bit of gold there just in case people wanted to call your bluff.발음듣기
It was just sitting in Fort Knox or wherever it happens to be sitting and to some degree, it's more of a pain than any kind of real value because you have to keep up this notion that these things,발음듣기
these dollar bills, could be translated into gold, it kind of forced a reserve ratio requirement on the central bank itself.발음듣기
In order to increase the money supply with GDP because people are inventing computers and railroads and cars and highways are being built and we're all becoming more efficient--발음듣기
in order to keep the money supply up with that extra economic activity, if we stay on the gold standard and if we want to keep these ratios between the money and gold, we'd have to grow our gold with the economy.발음듣기
Maybe we'd find a big bunch of gold or maybe we'd find no gold - and that really should have no bearing on our technological progress and how hard we're working.발음듣기
You could imagine in a world where all of a sudden, an asteroid made of gold lands in the middle of the U.S., does that all of a sudden - because gold is less valuable, should that make the dollar less cheap?발음듣기
Or in another world where for whatever reason we can't find any more gold, should that all of a sudden decrease our ability to circulate money around?발음듣기
And when it becomes - and I said three videos ago that these dollar bills aren't just the liabilities or the obligations of this central bank.발음듣기
It can be used to represent wealth only because it's pretty, only because at some period - and it doesn't corrode.발음듣기
At some period in the past, someone says, I'm willing to plow your field if you give me that cool rock that you found.발음듣기
I know taxes are bad words and I don't like them myself, but it essentially - can extract these rents from the U.S. economy, right?발음듣기
Our labor, our goods and services, our ability to educate ourselves, and innovate, and come up with technology, and become more productive.발음듣기
but I really want to hit this point home because a lot of people, I think, are still under the notion that somehow something is somehow tradeable for gold, that it is of a sounder currency, while if it's an obligation of a government with a very dynamic economy,발음듣기
but not gold, it's somehow backed by less wealth, but I'd argue that this is actually a more profound amount of wealth.발음듣기
I mean, we've had currencies in ancient history that were backed by gold, but in a lot of cases, you still had inflation.발음듣기
When the Spanish currency in the 15th century was backed by gold, but all of a sudden they discover that Central America had a lot of gold and you had a ton of inflation and that gold really didn't give any real wealth to the Spaniards of the time.발음듣기
It did allow them to buy a little bit more from other countries, but it really didn't create any innovation.발음듣기
It didn't really make their pie that bigger, except they did steal some pie pieces from other parts of the world - but we'll leave that aside for now.발음듣기
But this is real wealth - a currency backed by a whole nation's ability to generate wealth, in some ways, is a lot more valuable.발음듣기
But gold was a stepping stone and it was necessary because in order to get this whole thing started and in order for people to really have trust in this currency,발음듣기
So in 1971, when Richard Nixon decides to go off of the gold standard, if - and this is a big if - if you trust the government's ability to manage the money supply effectively,발음듣기
that they're not going to print so much money that we have hyperinflation or they're not going to print so little money that we end up with a deflationary spiral.발음듣기
If you trust the government's ability to do that, it really doesn't matter that we went off of the gold standard.발음듣기
And if you actually look at the Federal Reserve's balance sheet today, there still is some gold sitting on their balance sheet because it is really not obvious what they needed to do with it so they just kept it.발음듣기
One example I often tell people is - let's say your plane is going down - you're the pilot of a plane and it's going down.발음듣기
It's burning and you see two islands in the horizon and you have to ditch your plane on one of those islands.발음듣기
And then another island - you can see with your telescope from the plane, it has cows on it, it has - I don't know - all these random fruit trees on it with these luscious fruits.발음듣기
You see - I don't know - it has a big random pool of - I can't draw oil because oil is black on a blackboard.발음듣기
It has another big nice lake of fresh water that's away from the oil so it doesn't get contaminated.발음듣기
And you can see from your telescope that it has a bunch of hard working, innovative, smart people on it who can - I don't know - do all sorts of interesting things.발음듣기
Which island would you ditch your plane on, assuming that you'll never be able to get back to civilization?발음듣기
Well, the obvious answer is you'd rather ditch your plane on that island because that island has more wealth.발음듣기
And so when we went off of the gold standard - I know it seems like this big horrible thing in the whole scheme of the world - and gold has become a lot more expensive.발음듣기
Other than some of this excess credit that was given out maybe over the last 10 or 15 years - other than these bubbles,발음듣기
we've seen a tremendous amount of innovation and we haven't seen hyperinflation and that's all in the world of - you can call it a fiat currency, a currency that's not backed by any kind of hard asset.발음듣기
It's backed by people's trust in the ability of the U.S. economy to support debt to pay off the value of this currency.발음듣기
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