Term life insurance and death probability

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Term life insurance and death probability발음듣기

I'm thinking about getting a life insurance because I have a mortgage, and I have a young son and another baby on the way.발음듣기

So if anything were to happen to me I want them to at least be able to pay off the mortgage,발음듣기

and then maybe have some money left over for college and to live and whatever else.발음듣기

and so I went to the insurance company and said that I want to get a 1 million dollar policy.발음듣기

I am actually getting a term life policy.발음듣기

I just care about the next 20 years, after those 20 years, hopefully I can pay off my mortgage and have money saved up, and hopefully my kids would have at least gotten to college or I have saved up enough for college.발음듣기

That's why I'm doing term life policy.발음듣기

Other option is to do whole life policy where you can pay a certain amount per year for the rest of your life,발음듣기

at any point you die, you get the million dollars.발음듣기

At term life I pay 500 dollars per year for 20 years If any point over those 20 years I die, my family gets a million.발음듣기

At the 21st year I have to get a new policy,발음듣기

because I' m older and have a higher chance of dying in that point. then it is probably going to be more expensive for me to get an insurance.발음듣기

But I am really just worried about next 20 years.발음듣기

But what I want to do in this video is to think about giving to these numbers that have been quoted to me by the insurance company what do they think that my odds of dying are over the next 20 years.발음듣기

I want to think of the probability of Sal's death in 20 years based on what the people in insurance company are telling me or at least what's the maximum probability of my death in order for them to make money.발음듣기

The one way to think about it is to think about what's the total premiums they're getting over the life of this policy divided by how much they are insuring me for.발음듣기

So they are getting 500 dollars times 20 years is equal to 10 000 dollars over the life of this policy.발음듣기

They are insuring me for 1 million dollars.발음듣기

So they're getting, let's see those zeros cancel out, this zero cancels out, they're getting, over the life of the policy, 1 dollar in premiums for every 100 dollars in insurance.발음듣기

Or another way to think about it is, let's say that there were 100 Sals a hundred 34-year-olds, looking for 20 year term life insurance and they insured all of them.발음듣기

If you multiply this by a 100 you would get 100 dollars in premiums.발음듣기

This is the case where you have 100 Sals, 100 people who are pretty similar to me, 100 Sals.발음듣기

They will get 100 dollars in premium.발음듣기

The only way they could make money is if at most one of those Sals were to die.발음듣기

Break even if only one Sal dies.발음듣기

I don't like talking about this.발음듣기

It's a little bit morbid.발음듣기

So one way to think is they get 1 dollar in premium for 100 dollars insurance or if they had 100 Sals they get 100 dollars in premium and the only way they would break even is if only one of those Sal's dies.발음듣기

So what they're really saying is that the only way they can break even is if the probability of Sal dying in the next 20 years is less than or equal to 1/100.발음듣기

And this is an insurance company, they're trying to make money.발음듣기

So they are probably giving these numbers because they think that the probability of me dying is good, maybe is 1/200, or is 1/300, something lower, so that they could insure more Sals for every 100 dollar premium they have to pay up.발음듣기

But either way it is the back of the envelope of thinking about it.발음듣기

It actually makes me feel a little bit better because 1/100 over the next 20 years isn't too bad.발음듣기
