Loanable funds interpretation of IS curve

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Loanable funds interpretation of IS curve발음듣기

In the last video, we began to explore the IS curve, which, as I think I mentioned, stands for investment savings.발음듣기

And we really analyzed it from the point of view of investment.발음듣기

We thought of it as real interest rates driving the level of investment, which drives the equilibrium level of real output.발음듣기

High real interest rates, low level of investment, low level of investment leads to low equilibrium output.발음듣기

So this scenario is closer to that right over there.발음듣기

If real interest rates are lower, then that leads to higher levels of planned investment, which leads to a higher level of equilibrium output.발음듣기

So that right over there.발음듣기

So that was more from the investment point of view.발음듣기

What I want to do in this video is explore the exact same relationship, the exact same curve, but think of it more from the savings point of view.발음듣기

And in this situation, we're going to have this exact same thing, but instead of viewing real interest rates as driving GDP, we're actually going to view GDP as driving real interest rate.발음듣기

So let me leave this up here.발음듣기

But let's just break down the expenditure model of GDP.발음듣기

So we know that aggregate income, or aggregate GDP, or aggregate output - however you want to think of it - is equal to, and you could break it up into its component expenditures, it's equal to aggregate consumer spending, which is a function of disposable income.발음듣기

Y minus T is disposable income, aggregate income minus taxes, plus investment plus government expenditures.발음듣기

And I could do net exports.발음듣기

But for simplicity for this discussion we'll just assume we are in a closed economy.발음듣기

It makes good conceptualizing saving and investment a little bit easier.발음듣기

Now what I want to do is solve for investment.발음듣기

So if I solve for investment I'm just going to subtract this piece and this piece from both sides of this equation.발음듣기

And I get aggregate income minus total aggregate consumer spending minus total government spending is equal to - on the right hand side I'm just going to be left with, with investment right over here.발음듣기

And this thing right over here is interesting because this is total income minus what - and let me make sure that we, I don't want to confuse you.발음듣기

Because that looks like a lowercase c.발음듣기

And if we're talking about aggregate consumption it's usually an uppercase C.발음듣기

So on the left hand side, we have total aggregate income minus consumer spending minus government spending.발음듣기

So you could really view this as, this right over here, really is aggregate savings.발음듣기

This over here really is savings.발음듣기

And as we see when on one side of the economy, when people are saving, that goes into banks and it gets lent out.발음듣기

And then it gets reinvested.발음듣기

Or you could save directly by reinvesting.발음듣기

And so what we have here is savings is equal to investment.발음듣기

And that's why it's called an IS curve, because when you look at the expenditure model, savings and investment are really the same thing.발음듣기

They're really just saying, look, there's two ways to view this curve.발음듣기

It's investment driven or its savings driven.발음듣기

And when you think of it this way you have a slightly different view of this curve.발음듣기

Because when you view it from a savings point you say, well, what's going to happen if GDP goes up?발음듣기

What happens if we have a high GDP over here?발음듣기

So if we have a high GDP, or let's say in particular if GDP goes up, the consumer spending, which is a function of GDP, it will go up.발음듣기

But it won't go up as much.발음듣기

It's going to go up by this expression right here times, if we assume a linear model, times the marginal propensity to consume, which is less than 1, it's between 0 and 1.발음듣기

So this is going to go up less than that.발음듣기

And then we can, for the sake of this model, we'll assume right now that happens without any change in government expenditure.발음듣기

So if total aggregate income goes up then savings are going to go up, if we assume government expenditures holds constant.발음듣기

So then we have savings goes up.발음듣기

And if savings goes up, that means we have more loanable funds.발음듣기

There's more money to lend.발음듣기

And if there's more money to lend, what's going to happen to interest rates?발음듣기

Well interest rates are just the price of borrowing money, the price of money.발음듣기

So if you have more of something the price of that thing goes down.발음듣기

So if savings goes up then real interest rates go down.발음듣기

So if you have a high GDP you're going to end up with low real interest rates.발음듣기

So once again, is looking at it from a point of view of GDP driving interest rates.발음듣기

We have high savings here.발음듣기

So we're going to have low interest rates.발음듣기

And you view it the other way around.발음듣기

If you have a lower income this thing is going to also decrease.발음듣기

But is not going to decrease as much as this did, because of the marginal propensity to consume is less than 1, we saw that up here.발음듣기

We saw that all the way over here, right over there.발음듣기

And so in aggregate, the savings are going to go down.발음듣기

Once again, we hold government spending constant.발음듣기

So in this situation, savings are going to go down.발음듣기

And if you have fewer loanable funds, there's less savings to lend out.발음듣기

Then if you have less of a supply of something, what's going to happen to its price?발음듣기

It's price is going to go up.발음듣기

The price of borrowing money is the interest rate.발음듣기

So in this situation interest rates would go up.발음듣기

So that's going in this direction, right over here.발음듣기

If aggregate income goes down, loanable funds go down, interest rates are going to be higher.발음듣기

So once again, the same exact curve, IS curve.발음듣기

But there's two takeaways here.발음듣기

One is to realize why it's called IS, that investment and savings, when you view it from this point of view, really are the same thing.발음듣기

One person's savings can be another person's investment.발음듣기

And when we viewed it from the investment point of view, we were viewing r as driving y.발음듣기

Now we're looking at it the other way around.발음듣기

y is driving savings, which is driving r.발음듣기

But it gives us the exact same relationship for this model.발음듣기

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