Bramante,, Saint Peter's Basilica

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Bramante,, Saint Peter's Basilica발음듣기

[MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKER 1] We're standing in Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City in Rome.발음듣기

And it is one of the largest, most ornate spaces I've ever been in.발음듣기

I shouldn't say one of the most. It is the most. [LAUGHS]발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] And that was the idea.발음듣기

Pope Julius II, who commissioned the rebuilding of this church in the early 16th century, said to Bramante - the first architect - said, make me the most magnificent, biggest church in all of Christendom.발음듣기

And so that's what he did.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] Ultimately, yes, that's what we have.발음듣기

But that's not what this place was originally.발음듣기

If you go back to the Ancient Roman era, this was Nero's Circus, a place where games were performed, sporting events were performed.발음듣기

This was a place where Nero, himself, apparently actually rode a chariot.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] And it was also a place where there was an ancient necropolis, a burial ground, and by tradition, the place where Saint Peter, himself, was crucified and then buried.발음듣기

The early Christians created a monument on that site.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] Apparently quite small and humble.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] And then Constantine builds a church on this site.발음듣기

Because after all, Saint Peter is the first pope - the first leader of the church - given that job by Christ, himself.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] And that would've been the fourth century, so actually very early.발음듣기

That church - Constantine's Saint Peter's - lasted for 1,000 years - a little more.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] Early 1500s, Pope Julius II, a very ambitious pope.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] Julius had this extraordinary vision.발음듣기

And he brought together some of the most talented artists to develop this extraordinary space.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] Beginning with the great High Renaissance artist Bramante, who did the initial plans for the rebuilding of Saint Peter's, through the great artists Raphael and Michelangelo of the High Renaissance - as you said, the greatest minds of the Renaissance and then later the Baroque, in the early and mid 1600s, worked on this building.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] Bramante understood this church as distinct from the way most churches had been built - that is, borrowing from the Ancient Roman basilica plan.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] And most churches that anyone probably knows are basilica plan.발음듣기

It's a very practical kind of plan for a church.발음듣기

It's got a long central area.발음듣기

It allows for easy passage of large numbers of people.발음듣기

It focuses on the altar.발음듣기

And so it was - [SPEAKER 1] And it just worked well.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] It works really well.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] But that's not what Bramante wanted.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] No.발음듣기

And that makes sense.발음듣기

And if you understand the mindset of the High Renaissance, where there is an enormous interest in mathematics and in ideal perfect beauty and finding perfect proportions, Bramante's first design for Saint Peter's was very much based on those ideas.발음듣기

It was a Greek cross with equal arms instead of one longer arm.발음듣기

And it was inscribed within a square, with this dome over the center, and smaller domes.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] And in essence, it really was a series of perfect circles and perfect squares.발음듣기

But Bramante's design didn't survive.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] No.발음듣기

But people went back and forth to it.발음듣기

But ultimately, what we ended up with in the end is an extension of one of the arms of the cross.발음듣기

And so the plan ultimately does follow a basilica format.발음듣기

That perfect geometric form gave way to the practical needs of the church to hold large numbers of people and to focus attention on the altar.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] So after Bramante, Raphael has a hand in the design.발음듣기

And ultimately, it passes to Michelangelo.발음듣기

What Michelangelo was able to do before the later Baroque additions was to expand on, simplify, and clarify Bramante's original ideas.발음듣기

And his work can be seen in the dome and on the exterior of the three sides of the church that were not extended.발음듣기

And then, of course, Maderno will add his Baroque facade.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] And Bernini will decorate the interior of the church during the Baroque era, as well - with the baldacchino, the Cathedra Petri - and will also extend the front of the church, creating the piazza - the Saint Peter's Square.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] That's right.발음듣기

Those extraordinary arms - that double colonnade.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 2] Right.발음듣기

So there's a century and a half or so of work on this church - a series of great architects and sculptors who work on it.발음듣기

It all works in the end.발음듣기

[SPEAKER 1] It really comes together.발음듣기

And it is one of the most magnificent spaces on the face of the earth. [MUSIC PLAYING]발음듣기

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