FICA tax발음듣기
FICA tax
In the first video on Social Security, I keep talking about how the tax that you pay for Social Security is called the FICA tax.발음듣기
What I want to do in this video is, one, let you know what FICA actually stands for, and then think a little bit about how it is actually calculated.발음듣기
And this isn't just to support Social Security, or to be technically correct, to support the old age survivors and disability insurance.발음듣기
And so to make things clear, the part that is Social Security, or what we associate as Social Security, which is really the OASDI - did I get that right?발음듣기
OASDI. So part of it is for Social Security, and then that part is 12.4% of the gross salary.발음듣기
The part that's paid by the employer, that's part of the payroll tax, stuff that the employer pays above and beyond the gross income that they're giving to the employee.발음듣기
And this is for a total amount of 2.9% of an employee's gross salary, or 1.45% from the employer as part of the payroll tax and 1.45% from the employee.발음듣기
Now, let's just do a calculation so that it makes a little bit more tangible sense of what I'm even talking about with this FICA tax.발음듣기
Then for Medicare, the employer will contribute $1,450, once again above and beyond the gross salary of $100,000.발음듣기
So the total amount that is paid by the employer is $7,650 in payroll tax for this one employee.발음듣기
So just to be clear, if you wanted to hire an employee and pay them $100,000 in gross salary, you actually would have to set aside $100,000 and the $7,650.발음듣기
So the employer - the total that the employer's paying - or let me just think of it this way.발음듣기
The total that the employer has to set aside, if you include the salary, is going to be $107,650 so they can cover the gross salary plus this payroll tax over here.발음듣기
That's $92,350, because that's before paying just the traditional federal income tax and the traditional state income taxes.발음듣기
So the employee's going to take home probably on the order of $60,000 to $70,000, so above and beyond this thing right here.발음듣기
So even though the employer's paying this much, the employee's getting a lot less in terms of what they get to take home.발음듣기
Now, one thing that I think that is worth mentioning is unlike traditional federal income tax - and traditional federal income tax the first several 10s of thousands of dollars you make are not taxed.발음듣기
And then as you go up the brackets, each incremental dollar, as you enter one bracket or another, you start to pay a higher percentage on those.발음듣기
And that's because you only pay the FICA tax on the first $106,000 - or at least this is the numbers in 2011.발음듣기
And the reason why is that the person making the $200,000 will get the exact same benefits, as well, as the person who pays $106,800.발음듣기
But to some degree, someone who makes, let's say - well, someone who makes below this threshold is going to pay this percentage.발음듣기
Well, someone who makes much more than this will actually pay a smaller percentage of their income, but they'll end up getting the same benefits.발음듣기
And so that's one reason why it's considered regressive, is that as you make more money, you're actually paying a smaller percentage of your income on FICA tax.발음듣기
And the other reason why it's considered regressive is actually on the benefit side, because obviously someone who - if you have two people receiving Social Security benefits - so you have this person - so this is when they turn 65.발음듣기
It's known that the wealthier people or wealthier - and there's also demographics based on race and things like that.발음듣기
But it's known that wealthier people actually live longer, so they actually get benefits for a longer period of time.발음듣기
Likely that even though there's this cap, someone higher up the income chain also probably did pay more into it.발음듣기
The check that you eventually get is based, to some degree, on what level of FICA tax you were paying.발음듣기
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