Continuity-Sikhism connections to Hinduism and Islam

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Continuity-Sikhism connections to Hinduism and Islam발음듣기

[Instructor] In previous videos, we've gone into reasonable depth on the narrative of how the Sikh religion was started, initially by Guru Nanak.발음듣기

And then it how it developed under the next gurus all the way until the tenth guru.발음듣기

And finally as it was compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib which is considered by Sikhs to be the last and final guru.발음듣기

Sikhism is oftentimes compared to both Hinduism and Islam sometimes with reference to the idea that it has elements of both.발음듣기

While others would argue that no it is a completely independent religion and any similarity is just coincidental, so let's tackle that central question.발음듣기

What elements of continuity does Sikhism represent?발음듣기

And in this video, we're gonna think about continuity in terms of religious continuity and in particular does it have elements from Islam or Hinduism in it?발음듣기

So we could first focus on some of the cultural trappings or some of the historical trappings of Sikhism and think about the connections to both Hinduism and Islam.발음듣기

The first obvious connections is that Guru Nanak the first guru, and many of the early gurus grew up in Hindu families.발음듣기

But there are also cultural connections to Islam.발음듣기

The Sikh religion emerges in Punjab, which is where or near the various Muslim rulers of the time held their capitals whether we're talking about the Delhi sultanate which was in power for over 250 years when Sikhism started to emerge with Guru Nanak.발음듣기

But also the Moghul empire which really developed in its early stages at the same time that Sikhism develops.발음듣기

So that many of the followers of Sikhism were both Hindu and Muslim.발음듣기

A lot of the terminology of Sikhism borrows words and borrows ideas from both Islam and Hinduism.발음듣기

The word Allah is used to refer to god in parts of the Guru Granth Sahib but so is the word Ram.발음듣기

One of the first and closest followers of Guru Nanak who was with him most of his life was Bhai Mardana.발음듣기

And even today, many pictures of Guru Nanak would have Bhai Mardana in them.발음듣기

Guru Nanak famously as someone who was spiritually precocious and spiritually curious traveled through India and Persia.발음듣기

And the Middle East so he visited many temples but there's also many historic accounts of him going to Mecca and performing hajj.발음듣기

The Guru Granth Sahib, which is considered the spiritual book the 11th and final guru for the Sikhs of the contributors to them.발음듣기

You have Kabir who grew up in a Muslim family, he lived either around the time of Guru Nanak or in the century before Guru Nanak and would write about both Allah and Ram.발음듣기

Although he was often critical of both Hinduism and Islam.발음듣기

And you also have Shaikh Farid, who was a Muslim Sufi writer and spiritual figure and he has also contributed to the Guru Granth Sahib.발음듣기

There's also important rituals that come from Hinduism so for example, when Sikhs pass away, like Hindus they are cremated.발음듣기

So just looking at this list you immediately see that there's definitely cultural elements.발음듣기

Whether we're talking about words whether we're talking about rituals.발음듣기

Whether we're talking about even just the historical narrative of how and where Sikhism started that are closely tied to ideas of Hinduism and closely tied to ideas of Islam.발음듣기

But now let's look at the scripture itself and see if we can glean any more similarities or differences.발음듣기

This is the Mool Mantar which means main mantra or the basic teaching of Sikhism and it comes from Guru Nanak.발음듣기

And this is an English translation you'll see variations of this but it essentially says one universal creator god.발음듣기

The name is truth creative being personified, no fear, no hatred image of the undying, beyond birth, self-existent by guru's grace.발음듣기

Throughout the Guru Granth Sahib and much of the writings of especially Guru Nanak focus on devotion to god the one universal god.발음듣기

And so many of you might think well that seems to have connections to Islam.발음듣기

But then you could say, well even in Hinduism although there are many aspects of god, the various deities.발음듣기

But there's this notion of a fundamental reality of Brahman so maybe it has elements of that or maybe this is just independently developed.발음듣기

But there definitely are parts of the Guru Granth Sahib which seem to have elements that are close to Islam.발음듣기

This is a quote from Guru Nanak.발음듣기

He is Allah, the unknowable, the inaccessible all-powerful and merciful creator.발음듣기

So one argument is he's using the Arabic word for god he's using Allah.발음듣기

Now another argument, counterargument, would be well he's just using the language that his followers knew.발음듣기

And many of his followers were Muslim and so would have used the word Allah for god.발음듣기

But he is not saying that it necessarily has to be the exact concept of god as in Islam.발음듣기

Now this is from Kabir.발음듣기

Someone sets up a stone idol and all the world worships it as the lord, those who hold to this belief will be drowned in the river of darkness and this is in the Guru Granth Sahib.발음듣기

This notion of being against idol worship comes out very clear in this quotation and that is another idea that is often associated with Islam.발음듣기

But as I mentioned there's also many parallels with Hinduism.발음듣기

In the first video on Sikhism, I gave you this quote from Guru Nanak, the world is a drama, staged in a dream.발음듣기

Which alludes to the Hindu notion of Maya the physical reality is all an illusion we wanna pierce through that veil.발음듣기

What should the yogi have to fear?발음듣기

Trees, plants, and all that is inside and outside is he himself.발음듣기

So this is an idea that we get very clearly from the Upanishads, any notion of duality of me being different from you or even one versus god it's all an illusion, all is one.발음듣기

By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained, by his grace the gate of liberation is found.발음듣기

So clear references to the Hindu notions of karma that action drives consequences, that you enter one physical body after another.발음듣기

But that's not your true self the robe of this physical, there's a true self and eventually, through the grace of the ultimate reality you might be able to have liberation, have moksha so clear Hindu parallels as well.발음듣기

One angle is that Guru Nanak and Sikhism was attempting a reformation of both, taking elements that were compelling in either.발음듣기

And then purifying them, making them more internal focused, less focused on ritual less focused on the external, and more focused on meditation and the true self.발음듣기

There's a lot of quotations in reference to both religions that make it clear that it was something different and is critical of at least how both religions seemed to be practiced in India at that time.발음듣기

Guru Nanak famously said there is no Hindu there is no Musalman.발음듣기

Most people feel that he's saying this distinction that we make between human beings based on these belief systems, that these are superficial that these are to some degree transient that we are all part of the universal part of the ultimate reality, part of god.발음듣기

This is from Guru Arjan, the Muslim god Allah and the Hindu god Paarbrahm are one and the same.발음듣기

So here, trying to unify these ideas, and listen this is in a context where many of the followers are Muslim and many are Hindu and putting it in words that they understand.발음듣기

My body and breath of life belong to Allah to Ram, the god of both.발음듣기

So once again it's this bhakti, this devotional aspect surrendering to god and using the terminology that would be familiar to people in that time and in that space.발음듣기

So I encourage you, go out there, research think about it for yourself, Sikhism for sure has its own unique identity.발음듣기

And pretty much every religion is a product of the context in which it emerged and has elements from other religions whether or not that was done intentionally whether or not it's chance, there does seem to be parallels.발음듣기

We can make a whole tree of religions if we like if we put Sikhism right here, the question mark of this video is you have this narrative of Islam to what degree does it influence Sikhism?발음듣기

And many would say that especially the Sufi orders of Islam have much to do with Sikhism.발음듣기

Sufism is a school of Islam that is more inward looking that is about devotional love to god and that's what a lot of Sikhism is focused on.발음듣기

But as mentioned, one could also think about Hinduism which is much older than pretty much any other living religion today.발음듣기

And in other videos we talk about the bhakti movement, which is about devotional love to god.발음듣기

There's also a school of thought in Hinduism known as Vedanta, which is more focused on the core spiritual ideas of the Upanishads the notion of the ultimate self, the ultimate reality escaping from the cycle of births and deaths from samsara, achieving liberation, moksha.발음듣기

All of these ideas are in Sikhism and to make the point clear that all of our major religions are connected to each other, we can keep drawing this tree.발음듣기

We talk about how Buddhism springs out of Hinduism that Buddha was a Hindu and it might have been in reaction to some of the ritual.발음듣기

And the caste that Buddha saw in Hinduism or at least in Hindu culture.발음듣기

In fact, some of those same motivations might have motivated Guru Nanak.발음듣기

Islam, we talk about in other videos famously emerges from a Judeo-Christian tradition.발음듣기

The most important prophets in Islam after Mohammed are Jesus, Moses, and Abraham and Christianity of course comes out of a Jewish tradition, Jesus was Jewish.발음듣기

And one could say that there's even some direct connections between Judaism and Islam, notions of not eating pork notions of halal and kosher, ideas of circumcision.발음듣기

And one could even argue that Judaism and Islam also have close ties to Zoroastrianism a very ancient monotheistic religion.발음듣기

And Cyrus the Great of Persia was the one who really spread Zoroastrianism.발음듣기

And he is considered a messiah amongst the Jewish people because he liberated them from the Babylonian captivity helped them re-settle in Jerusalem and helped rebuild the temple at Jerusalem.발음듣기

Zoroastrianism also has ties to Islam.발음듣기

Zoroastrians pray five times a day just like Muslims they have the ritual bathing before the prayer just like Muslims, at the same time of day.발음듣기

So once again, amongst all of these religions they definitely came in contact with each other.발음듣기

And you definitely have ideas that are shared amongst the religions, so with that I'll leave you with one last quote from Guru Nanak.발음듣기

And this one would arguable be addressed to his Muslim followers.발음듣기

But it gives you a sense of his trying to bring people back to the internal trying to make people less focused on external ritual external physical reality.발음듣기

And more on internal goodness and your actions being more important than your words or your rituals.발음듣기

Make kindness your mosque, sincerity your prayer carpet, what is just and lawful your Quran, modesty your circumcision, civility your fasting.발음듣기

So shalt thou be a Musalman, or a Muslim.발음듣기

Make right conduct your Kaaba, making reference to the pilgrimage site Muslims go to."발음듣기

And pray towards, truth your spiritual guide, good works your creed and your prayer, the will of god your rosary, and god will preserve your honor, Guru Nanak.발음듣기

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