Traditional IRAs

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Traditional IRAs발음듣기

What I want to do in this video is talk a little bit about traditional IRAs.발음듣기

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. Individual Retirement Account.발음듣기

The focus on this video is the traditional IRA.발음듣기

You'll hear of other types of IRAs, especially Roth IRA and SEP IRAs.발음듣기

This is only on Traditional.발음듣기

The just of all of them, is really it's the governments way of encouraging you to save for your retirement.발음듣기

They all have slightly different details, so I'm just going to focus on the traditional right now.발음듣기

Let's say we are in year 0.발음듣기

That's right now.발음듣기

Instead of year 0, let me write "right now."발음듣기

You have 2 options.발음듣기

You could take advantage of the traditional IRA.발음듣기

This is the IRA scenario.발음듣기

This is the no IRA scenario.발음듣기

Now, an IRA allows you to put up to a certain amount of your income aside.발음듣기

Depending on your age and what year it is, that amount will change.발음듣기

In 2010 that number is $5,000 if you are under the age of 50.발음듣기

For under 50.발음듣기

It's $6,000 ...발음듣기

This is for an individual, not for a family.발음듣기

It's $6,000 if you're over the age of 50.발음듣기

Over age of 50.발음듣기

I guess the rational was probably, "Gee, if you're over the age of 50, you better save even more for your retirement, which might only be 10 or 15 years away."발음듣기

They gave a little bit more lead way for over the age of 50.발음듣기

Let's say we're under the age of 50 and we take full advantage of this IRA.발음듣기

We set aside $5,000. $5,000.발음듣기

Here we set aside nothing.발음듣기

Set aside nothing.발음듣기

In the very short term, the advantage is that this $5,000 of our income will not be taxed.발음듣기

Let's say that my tax bracket ...발음듣기

Let's say that I'm in a 32% tax bracket.발음듣기

32% tax bracket.발음듣기

Let me write that on the side.발음듣기

It will apply to both scenarios.발음듣기

32% tax bracket today.발음듣기

I'm making some good money.발음듣기

Tax bracket today.발음듣기

On the $5,000 only, I'm only talking about the taxes on the $5,000.발음듣기

You're going to have to pay taxes above and beyond that on the rest of your income.발음듣기

Today, I'm going to pay 0 taxes on that $5,000.발음듣기

0 taxes on the $5,000.발음듣기

If I don't set aside that $5,000 into an IRA, then I will have to pay taxes on that $5,000.발음듣기

I'm going to have to pay $5,000 x 32%.발음듣기

Which is equal to what?발음듣기

I'll just get a calculator out.발음듣기

You get 5,000 x .32 = $1,600 in taxes, I'm going to pay $1,600 in taxes today.발음듣기

In the year that I actually made that $5,000.발음듣기

I can't set aside $5,000 if I made less than $5,000.발음듣기

It's always the lower of your income or these IRA limits.발음듣기

Of course, you're going to pay, even in this situation.발음듣기

Let's say you made $100,000.발음듣기

When you put the $5,000 aside, you're still going to have to pay taxes on $95,000.발음듣기

In this situation, where you didn't put the $5,000 aside, you're going to have to pay taxes on $100,000.발음듣기

You're going to have to pay taxes on the extra $5,000, which is $1,600.발음듣기

Let's say in either situation, with that $5,000, you want to buy and sell some securities or some investments.발음듣기

Let's say right after you put in the IRA account …발음듣기

Now everything is sitting in our IRA account.발음듣기

All of our transactions are sitting in this special IRA account right here, where we can actually buy and sell investments and trade them.발음듣기

But, we can't cash them in and turn them into cash and then spend it on a new car or something like that.발음듣기

If we did do that, before the age of 59 1/2, we would have to pay a penalty.발음듣기

Let me write that down.발음듣기

You might immediately say, "Hey gee, this is a good idea."발음듣기

'"Why doesn't everyone always do it?"발음듣기

The answer is, if I pull it out before 59 1/2, I pay a penalty.발음듣기

Let me write this down, because that's important to keep in mind.발음듣기

Pay penalty and taxes if withdrawn before 59 1/2.발음듣기

Once again, this is the Traditional IRA.발음듣기

The Roth IRA, for example, is a little bit more flexible on the actual principle amount that you put into the account.발음듣기

We're just dealing with Traditional.발음듣기

This is an important thing to keep in mind.발음듣기

This is kind of the tradeoff that you're giving.발음듣기

The government is saying, "Hey, I'm giving you an incentive to put this aside and I really want to make sure that you leave this aside until you are ready to retire."발음듣기

'"You don't get tempted, when you see a nice sports car, to cash in your IRA and use it, because you're going to have to pay a penalty."발음듣기

As long as you don't actually withdraw it and turn it into cash, you can actually buy and sell securities within that IRA.발음듣기

Let's say, as soon as you put that $5,000, you buy $5,000 of stock A.발음듣기

Here, we don't have $5,000 anymore.발음듣기

We only have $3,400 of our original amount, so we buy $3,400 of stock A.발음듣기

Let's say, I don't know, 10 years in the future.발음듣기

Let's say in 10 years ...발음듣기

This is going to be in either situation.발음듣기

In 10 years, let's say that stock A has doubled, and you sell it.발음듣기

Now, you sell it.발음듣기

You have $10,000 here.발음듣기

You have $10,000 from sale of A.발음듣기

It's doubled.발음듣기

Here's it's doubled, but you only have $3,400 of stock A.발음듣기

Now, that $3,400 is worth $6,800.발음듣기

You have $6,800 from sale of A.발음듣기

Let's say you want to put that into another stock.발음듣기

Let's say you put that all into stock B.발음듣기

I'm painting a very rosy picture.발음듣기

You can't always insure that stocks will double.발음듣기

You buy $10,0000 in this situation.발음듣기

$10,000 of B.발음듣기

I'll hold off there.발음듣기

You buy $10,000 of B.발음듣기

Here you might say, "Oh, I'm going to buy $6,800 of B.발음듣기

Because you are not operating within an IRA account, you're going to have to pay taxes on the capital gains from this right here.발음듣기

Capital gains are gains made from capital investments.발음듣기

In this case the capital investment is investing in stocks.발음듣기

Since you owned your stock for more that 1 year, you at least will only have to pay long-term capital gains, which tends to be lower than short-term capital gains.발음듣기

In this situation you made a $3,400 profit.발음듣기

Not $340,000.발음듣기

You made $3,400 profit.발음듣기

You are going to have to pay 15% capital gains.발음듣기

x 15%.발음듣기

Let's get the calculator out again.발음듣기

3,400 x .15 = $510.발음듣기

You're going to have to pay $510.발음듣기

This is $510.발음듣기

You take your $6,800, pay $510 to the IRS.발음듣기

You are going to be left with $6,290.발음듣기

Remember, the reason why you have to pay taxes is this is not operating inside of an IRA.발음듣기

Here you are operating inside of an IRA, so you don't have to pay taxes.발음듣기

Let's say you invest in stock B and then over the next 10 years, stock B also doubles.발음듣기

Stock ... so this is 10 years.발음듣기

Stock B is now worth $20,000 and you sell it.발음듣기

From sell of B.발음듣기

Once again, it's sitting inside of your IRA, so you don't have to pay any capital gains on it.발음듣기

In this situation, you use that $6,290 to also invest in stock B, and after 10 years stock B doubles.발음듣기

It is now …발음듣기

What is that? $12,580.발음듣기

Once again, it's sitting outside of your IRA.발음듣기

You have to pay 15% capital gains.발음듣기

You had a $6,290 gain.발음듣기

$6,290 gain x 15%.발음듣기

Let's see what that is.발음듣기

I'll get the calculator.발음듣기

Where's my calculator?발음듣기

There is it.발음듣기

You have $6,290 x 15%.발음듣기

That's equal to 943.발음듣기

Let me take that from my 12,580.발음듣기

12,580 - 943.5 is equal to ...발음듣기

I have $11,636.발음듣기

I now have $11,636.발음듣기

Let's say 20 years have past.발음듣기

We are now over the age of 59 1/2.발음듣기

We can now withdraw from our IRA.발음듣기

Of course, this situation, this is cash that we have.발음듣기

We can do anything with it.발음듣기

Maybe we're now over 60 years old.발음듣기

This could be used for our retirement, for our everyday expenses.발음듣기

This money that was sitting in IRA, now that we're over the age of 60, we're over 60 now, or over 59 1/2 if you want to be particular.발음듣기

Now that we're over 60 we can withdraw the IRA without paying any penalty, but we will have to pay taxes.발음듣기

We're going to withdraw. No penalties.발음듣기

We will have to pay taxes, but the huge advantage here is, once we're over 60, we're probably earning less money.발음듣기

The actual tax bracket that we're in is probably going to be lower.발음듣기

Let's say we're in a 25% tax bracket.발음듣기

Remember, when we first made that $5,000 we were in a 32% tax bracket, because we were this young gun at the peak of his or her career, making a lot of money.발음듣기

Now, we're making less money.발음듣기

We're trying to live off of our savings, so we have to pay 25% income tax on it.발음듣기

If we pay 25% on $20,000 ...발음듣기

Remember, now we're actually withdrawing it.발음듣기

We're actually putting it in our checking account so we can spend it for living or whatever we want to do with it.발음듣기

25% of $20,00 is equal to $5,000 in taxes.발음듣기

We will be left with $15,000 to do anything that we want with it. Compare this.발음듣기

This is $15,000 verses $11,636.발음듣기

Everything that we did was completely identical, except for, over here we took the $5,000 and invested within an IRA.발음듣기

Here, we took the $5,000, we had to pay taxes on it.발음듣기

Then, we invested it in the exact same way.발음듣기

We actually made very good stock investments in both situations and we ended up with a significant less amount of money.발음듣기

This is $15,000 verses $11,000.발음듣기

That's almost … What is that?발음듣기

30 something % difference in the total amount of money you have.발음듣기

Not only that, but this tax we had to pay, we don't have to pay this … this is only in situations where you have a 25% tax rate.발음듣기

When you're retired you might even have a lower tax rate than that and it's deferred a good bit.발음듣기

The real thing to think about is just, 20 years in the future you're sitting on $15,000 verses if you didn't participate it in the IRA you're sitting on only a little over $11,500.발음듣기

Of course, the main trade off here is that in the IRA situation, you really couldn't touch your money.발음듣기

If you had an emergency and you had to withdraw the money, you would have had to pay penalties on it.발음듣기
